Cheryl Bryant

Neighborhood: Patterson Park

You have to stay and be the change. It’s better to stay and fight than to go somewhere and start over.
— Cheryl Bryant

Cheryl Bryant serves her community in numerous roles, including being the chair and a founding member of the Friends of Library Square, a committee of the Patterson Park Neighborhood Association that sponsors neighborhood clean ups and greening efforts. She also sits on the board of the Baltimore Medical Systems as a patient advocate. Cheryl is the Executive Director of Charm City Land Trusts, providing permanently affordable housing to low-income families in East Baltimore. 

Cheryl is an ordained and licensed minister that organizes the weekly free produce giveaway at Freedom Baptist Missionary Church. Cheryl is a life member of Zeta Phi Beta, Sorority. She is also a member of the National Association of Black Storytellers.

Cheryl has shown immense care to her community and is dedicated to contributing to a cleaner, greener, and safer place. She loves to help people in need and considers herself a bridge between the haves and the have nots using her fundraising skills to bring resources to those in need


Cherring Spence


Danelle Pinder